Underarms $31
Full Stomach $43
Full Chest $38 (All hair is removed from the chest does not include the stomach.)
Chest Strip $23 (Line of hair down the middle of the chest is removed.)
Lower Back $28 (Hair is removed from the bottom of the rib cage to the top of the
pants line.)
Upper Back $38 (Hair is removed from the middle of the back to the top of the shoulders.)
Full Back $68 (All of the hair is removed from the top to bottom.)
Shoulders $25
Lower Legs $53 (Includes knees and feet.)
Upper Legs $53 (Includes knees.)
Full Legs $98 (Includes feet.)
Half Arms $48 (Upper includes shoulders, Lower includes hands.)
Full Arms $58 (Includes shoulders and fingertips.)
Hands $21 (Includes top of hands and fingers.)
Feet $18 (Includes Toes.)